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Inbound Marketing vs. Traditional Marketing

Jan 3, 2017Inbound Marketing, Marketing

Many businesses are moving to online platforms in the digital age and using Inbound Marketing technologies as opposed to the Traditional Marketing. There are many benefits to using an Inbound Marketing system compared to the traditional methods. If you are marketing to a target audience that doesn’t use technology and uses newspapers and watches TV, then you might be better off advertising on TV, but the traditional form of advertising is on the decline. More people every day are starting to use internet based services and your Traditional Marketing message is not getting delivered to them, unless you have an online marketing strategy.

Inbound Marketing has many features and benefits. The best part of Inbound Marketing is that it is customized to your needs. You can target the exact audience you want to appeal to, whereas in Traditional Marketing you have no way of knowing which part of your campaign is producing the best results.

Another benefit to Inbound Marketing is that you can calculate the exact Return on Investment on each marketing campaign and figure out what type of marketing campaign work best for your business. This way you can customize your campaign to focus more on what works and less on what doesn’t work. With Inbound Marketing you get more bang for the buck, whereas with Traditional Marketing you don’t really have any way of knowing what works and what doesn’t.

With Traditional Marketing techniques you cannot interact with your customers. You just put an ad out there and hope for the best. If you call your prospects they usually don’t want to be bothered or answer any questions, but with Inbound Marketing you can use forms and surveys to figure out what your target audience thinks of your product or service.

The other advantage of the inbound method as opposed to the traditional method is that you can use the power of Social Media to interact and hold conversations with your potential and existing customers. With traditional advertising you have no way of holding a conversation with your audience. The communication with traditional methods is one way.

In the end, Inbound Marketing is a much more cost effective method of marketing as opposed to the traditional methods. With inbound methods you have access to much more information about your potential customers as opposed to using the traditional methods, so it is a win, win situation. You are spending much less to acquire leads and you get much more information about your potential customers using the inbound method. The more information you have about your potential customer the better chance you have of closing them into a customer because you know their preferences, likes and dislikes. You are also spending less money acquiring leads which means more profits with less effort and more efficiency in your business.

Crafting your Inbound Marketing Campaign takes a lot of time and experience. In order to achieve the best results you need access to the right tools and experience to craft the right message and present it to the right audience. Here at Neolynx we can help you by sharing our knowledge and experience. Contact us today for free consultation to find out if Inbound Marketing is the right solution for you.

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