The number one complaint we get from our customers who already have a website is that the former Web Design firm didn’t do a good job. The customer complains that they are not getting any inquiries online and they are not showing up on Google’s Search Results Pages. After doing a careful website audit, we find out that there are many search engine optimization elements missing or performed with complete disregard to the industry best practices. We feel our customer’s pain because they incurred a large cost to build an online presence thinking they would get a lot of business out of it, but the truth is if your web design firm is only doing web design and they don’t have a clue about the principles of search marketing then you will not show up on any search engines anytime soon.
The best solution to this problem is to allocate a budget for search and Social Media Marketing, so after building your website you can advertise and build your online presence. Having a website is very much like opening up a brick and mortar store. You don’t open a store without any marketing, advertising or a grand opening hoping that customers will just find you. You strategize months in advance on how to get the word out and attract customers. A similar methodology should be followed if you want to have a successful website launch. Think of it as your online grand opening, issue a press release, post it on your social media accounts, etc. Your website is your store front in cyberspace.
The same general marketing principles apply to the online world, the mechanisms of conveyance are a bit different though. This Field of Dreams mentality that “If you build it, they will come” does not work in the web design industry. You have to actually build the website and actively market it online using different tools in order to get results.
A website for a business is like your digital store front. It’s all about Location, Location, Location. That location is in cyberspace and is movable based on how Search Engine Algorithms rank your website taking into account the keywords you have chosen.
You should treat your website as your online store front, and Search Engines and Social Media as your marketing tools. If you build the most beautiful website in the world and it has no online traffic, what is the benefit to your business? None. Not only you have not seen any results you have spent thousands of dollars on a website that is nice to look at, but from a business perspective you have lost money you could have spent on more important things.
Every Web Design Blog says, you need a well-designed website. What some of them don’t tell you is that your website also needs search marketing and a social media marketing game plan in order for your business to get the results you are looking for. If your web designer doesn’t know or understand the principles of search engine optimization and social media marketing then you should probably be looking elsewhere. These concepts are all interconnected and work best when utilized together.
Taking your marketing efforts online is an ongoing process it is not just a onetime thing you do and forget about it. It is a new way of advertising your business and it takes a lot of effort after the website design has been completed to get to the prime location on the desired search results page. Designing the website is only the first step, the tip of the iceberg, the rest is still submerged.
We here at Neolynx make sure our website design team understands the best practices of all areas related to a successful website launch which include the overall design of the website, clean code writing and taking into consideration the best practices of search marketing and social media marketing as well as blogging, so we can take your website and move it up to a great location in cyberspace where it actually generates the results you are looking for. On top of that, we come from business and marketing backgrounds and we understand what it takes to run a business and be successful. The art of web design is important, but for a business art alone won’t cut it. There are more important elements that need to harmoniously work together at all times.
Neolynx has a holistic approach to web design, this includes placing all the right elements in the right places, in order to ensure our success in business. Our process starts with first understanding your business, vision and mission statement. Then we discuss how to help you reach your business goals and use our knowledge, expertise and tools to help you get what you are searching for.
If you are having problems with your website and not getting the results you were looking for,
so we can discuss how to put you on your way to a great location in cyberspace where you can reach the business potential you are searching for.